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You're viewing Golden Compass, The Cheat Codes

Game Name : Golden Compass, The
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-09-18 08:29:38
Views : 21887

Alethiometer answers
The following will answer all questions in the journal:

Hourglass - Time - Death, change...
Sun - Day - Authority, truth...
Alpha and Omega - Finality - Process, inevitability...
Marionette - Obedience - Submission, grace...
Serpent - Evil Guile, natural wisdom...
Cauldron (crucible) - Alchemy - Craft, achieved wisdom...
Anchor - Hope - Steadfastness, prevention...
Helmet - War - Protection, narrow vision...
Beehive - Productive work - Sweetness, light...
Moon - Chastity - Mystery, the uncanny...
Madonna - Motherhood - The feminine, worship...
Apple - Sin - Knowledge, vanity...
Bird - The soul - Spring, marriage...
Bread - Nourishment - Christ, sacrifice...
Ant - Mechanical work - Diligence, tedium...
Bull - Earth - Power, honesty...
Candle - Fire - Faith, learning...
Cornucopia - Wealth - Autumn, hospitality...
Chameleon - Air - Greed, patience...
Thunderbolt - Inspiration - Fate, chance...
Dolphin - Water - Resurrection, succor...
Walled garden - Nature - Innocence, order...
Globe - Politics - Sovereignty, fame...
Sword - Justice - Fortitude, the Church...
Griffin - Treasure - Watchfulness, courage...
Horse - Europe - Journeys, fidelity...
Camel - Asia - Summer, perseverance...
Elephant - Africa - Charity, continence...
Crocodile - America - Rapacity, enterprise...
Baby - The future - Malleability, helplessness...
Compass - Measurement - Mathematics, science...
Lute - Poetry - Rhetoric, philosophy...
Tree - Firmness - Shelter, fertility...
Wild man - Wild man - The masculine, lust...
Owl - Night - Winter fear...

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